Class Spirit
"We need everyone to be in on this," Sharav said.
I looked at the class. No one seemed to have the class spirit I was looking for. I thought back to my FIS classmates, during the lockdown and online classes. I wasn't with them, but I kept in touch with them through Zoom chat. I remembered that time when the whole class was enraged with the math teacher, who never explained doubts and always went too fast while teaching. She also lectured the kids when they asked doubts, telling them that interrupting the teacher was wrong, when it was actually her who was wrong. My friends stayed silent during her class, but ranted and raved about the situation ing the class group. Then, Om and Athira, who were part of that class, actually had their parents write the complaint. The complaint was taken, and the teacher never did anything wrong to my friends since then! And the best part? When the whole class heard about the news, the celebrated like kings, and virtually slapped each other on the backs. Most of the kids in PPS never did that. Like Sharav said, they'd be playing games all day.
I wondered when they would.
Melody Vega
Melody Vega
Good job, Melody.